Empty Doors – Marideth Sisco and Accomplices


Empty Doors is an acoustic, honest, Folk/Americana masterpiece, ringing with the rich rural roots of the Ozarks highlands’ unique musical tradition, but here taking the listener not to the past but to the roots of emotion, a place both timeless and timely. Marideth Sisco and writing partner Robin Frederick have crafted a collection of songs written from notes, scraps of lyric, wayward melodies that demanded a voice, and fragments of songs spanning almost 50 years of creative imagination and collaboration. Some were begun long ago, others are only moments old. Together they speak of loss, disillusionment, deep pain and deeper passion, crafting lasting truths from the simple language of the heart. The singer, Marideth Sisco, is the featured singer and music consultant on the Oscar-nominated film “Winter’s Bone”


Listen to this album at Bandcamp

Order your signed copy at Squareup

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About yarnspinnerpress

Story teller, retired journalist, author, folksinger, folklorist, gardener.
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2 Responses to Empty Doors – Marideth Sisco and Accomplices

  1. I am so looking forward to hearing this new CD. Having not heard from your blog in some time, I knew you must be up to something wonderful.

  2. yarnspinnerpress says:

    I have this awful habit of just putting my head down and charging on when I’m working on something. In doing so I always find I’ve missed out on things I should have been paying attention to. Thanks for your comment. Let me know what you think of the album. I think it’s the best thing I’ve ever done. Way good to hear from you.

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